Cadre Design System

Building a simple yet effective design system for CRE investing


Design Lead - UX & Visual Design, Prototyping, Project Management, QA

Length & Status

5 months, Launched in Feburary 2023


2 Product Designers

2 Product Managers

6 Engineers

1 Marketing lead


Cadre Design System is a set of coded styles and components built to reinvent Cadre’s platform with a unified design language. Since launching, we've enabled a combined force of 2 designers, 7 product managers, and 16 engineers to build new investing experiences on Cadre with high velocity.

The goal was to replace an existing system that wasn’t maintained nor scaled as the platform grew, which led to clunky and inconsistent products.

Key responsibilities

Led design, strategy, and roadmap

Maintained and scaled in parallel with product roadmap

Presented needs & outcomes to leadership as well as stakeholders across product and engineering to gather buy in



Partnering with Flowout, a Webflow Design Agency, to redesign Cadre's website using the New Design System.

Releasing Q4 2023


As a design team of 2, the Cadre Design System was built to be simple, light, and useful; to speed up designing while also not constraining the design process. We wanted to have a nimble DS that wouldn't be caught up by "atomic" principles and allow us to ship products quickly.


Colors placed into basic groups to quickly pull into designs and for engineers to recognize uses by name.


We wanted to make sure to build our typography system thoughtfully, as Cadre utilizes text quite often to display details about CRE deals on deal cards, investment information, important disclosures, and educational content.


We built a set of shadows as we anticipated leveraging a number of overlays and elevated content across our redesigns as well as future products.


Rather than spend bandwidth on creating custom icons, we decided to use Font Awesome to build our icon library. This was an effective move to as FA offers just the right styles with an endless supply of icons for our needs. We converted the .svgs into components that can be pulled into other components such as tags and buttons.

New experiences brought to market

Entity Creation - Vehicle that makes an investment in CRE offerings, required in order to make an investment

Designs by Tim Park • Releasing Q4 2023

Making an investment

Designs by Tim Park • Releasing Q4 2023

Investor preferences - A questionnaire given to users at signup to collect information on their investing behaviors.

Designs by Tim Park • Released Q2 2023

Comparing deal offerings - As investors are browsing between offerings, they can choose to add up to three offerings to be compared together.

Designs by John Canelis • Released Q3 2023